queering the tarot

My Book is Out!

Tarot & Amethyst

Hello tarot lovers and other readers,

I am writing this blog post today as a PUBLISHED AUTHOR and wow-ee that feels amazing to say. I had a whirlwind opening week with THREE book events that led to amazing discussions with audience about queerness, tarot, and other assorted witchery. I am so excited for the reception of this book, but I am sorry it’s taken me off the blog a little. I’m keeping up with my promised Patreon work and am still doing Instagram #dailytarot content and am still dreaming and scheming big things for this blog (along with my writing career in general).

I have ONE MORE book event on the horizon as of now: Minneapolis, Moon Palace Books on June 3rd. This event includes a mini tarot class as well as a reading or two for the book. I’ll answer questions and sign things. It’ll be a really good time so if you’re in the area please put it on your calendar!

Queering the Tarot books

One thing that’s really exciting is some of the interviews I have lined up or have already completed. I don’t have dates for the releases yet but if you’re a podcast listener you’ll eventually be hearing me on podcasts from Coming Out Tarot, The Tarot Lady, The Numinous and Weiser Radio Hour! I interviewed on InterroBang Tarot and Babes At The Table too. I have a radio show coming up for Beyond Reality radio, and got to chat with my local DJs here in the Twin Cities at KFAI! I’ve gotten to and am getting to talk to so many really wonderful people about this topic of the intersection of queerness and tarot that I care so deeply about. This whole project has been such a blessing.

A lot of readers and friends from all over the world have been asking me how they can support this project (and me overall), so below is a quick list of things that any new author needs—including me!

  • Put me on or in your blog/magazine article series/podcast/etc. I am totally open to interviews and have a flexible enough schedule right now to accommodate most interview requests. Hook me up with editors if you’re not the person in power.

  • Ask your local bookstore if they have my book. Even if you already have a copy, the more requests they get, the more likely they are to order it. If it’s sitting in bookstores, people are obviously more likely to see and buy it.

  • Review the book on Amazon and Goodreads! This helps my publisher market my book and bumps me in visibility.

  • Publish pics of the book or you reading the book on social media. You never know who will see it and want their own copy.

That’s it! It’s so easy to help me spread the word and make this a successful project. If anything I listed makes you feel vulnerable or unsafe, I totally understand. Even telling a couple of close friends about the book means more people know that might grab it.

In the meantime, I’ll be back soooon. I really want to talk about my growing relationship with Rhiannon from Celtic myth as well as provide new tarot content for you to mull over. I’m very eager to dive back in I just still need to save my spoons for a few days. Hope you’re all doing well!

Blessed be.


My Book is Coming! My Book is Coming!

As you likely now by now if you’re here reading my blog, I have a book called Queering the Tarot coming out on May 1st from Weiser/Red Wheel Publishing and y’all I am so so excited! Yesterday a big box of books showed up at my apartment and look. how. cute.


This process has been so wonderful. I got to re-write my earlier columns which I was less proud of and explore the tarot as a whole—not just card by card. The final product is something I am truly excited about and proud of.

AND! The true reason for my post; it’s on hella sale on Amazon and a few other places. Pre-orders help new authors SO much. It’s what will convince Weiser to bring me back for more books and it certainly helps my always-struggling bottom line in the meantime. Grab your copy for chhheeeeaaaap right here.

I’ll have another post soon detailing my book events and the radio shows you can catch me on, plus my regular tarot and witch content is (hopefully!) coming back this April.

In the meantime, Blessed Be Y’all!


From My Instagram Highlights: Tarot Tips & Tricks For Beginner's & Those Looking to Shake Up Their Practice


Hello all!

I’ve been trying to really learn Instagram Stories and use it to help boost my tarot client and occult writing reader base and today I posted a story with some basic tarot tips and tricks that I wanted to share here as well. These are meant for TOTAL beginner’s but can absolutely be used for more seasoned readers looking to deepen their relationship with the tarot cards.

Tip #1: Tuning Into Your Intuition
Intuition is just the way your body processes and accesses information. To tune in: close your eyes, get comfy, and take a few deep breathes. Once your breathe is steady and deep, tune into how your gut,heart, and mind feel. Listen to them each for a few moments. Now you should be in tune.

Tip #2: Compare and Contrast

  • Look at the story of your tarot deck by looking at how each card changes and shifts from the one before it.

  • Pull out all of your aces at once, then your twos, threes, etc. What similarities are there? How are they different?

  • Look at decks that aren’t yours! What similarities and differences do you see in the cards?

Note these similarities and differences somewhere. Those notes can and should become a foundation for learning your tarot deck.

Tip #3: Follow Tarot Readers on Instagram! Or Watch Them On YouTube!
Seeing other readers in action is SO important to the learning process. You won’t agree with everybody’s interpretations and that’s okay. The important thing is to see how the cards are talked about and treated by others.

*Please note! It’s fine to have a favorite reader you watch or follow, but try to follow several different readers. The comparison is so important!

If you have questions for me based on this list, never fear! I am here to answer them and I am always thrilled to hear from you. I’m going to try to make my stories tarot and witch-educational on a regular basis and you can follow along here.

Finally, I have a keyword list here that is new and affordable and will help you learn the tarot through a more inclusive, sex-positive, and creative perspective. Use it alongside your Little White Book or disregard it entirely!

Blessed be y’all!

Cassandra Snow

Wow this year really might end after all

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It is December 3rd which means this ridiculous year is actually coming to a close. I can’t even believe it. I want to believe it I do, but man, this year. It seems like every one step forward I took as a person, my body decided to push me back three. For every step forward we took as a society…well, you know. It’s hard to be a person right now. It’s hard to be a person with empathy, it’s hard to be a person with their own problems, it’s very hard to be a marginalized person.

A new year isn’t going to change that.

I’m not a naive “new age influencer” who wants you to banish your bad thoughts. Just the opposite in fact. As we think about closing 2018, we should lean in to our anger and our grief and our sadness. We should let ourselves feel however we want, need, or just DO feel. We should use this winter to think about all of the things we’ve lost and if we even want to regain them. We will all feel motivated and peppy to make plans at the start of the year. For now, we should let ourselves feel the feelings.

In letting myself grieve and be sad for losing basically a whole year, I have already started to feel better. See, psychologists think that if we let ourselves experience peak emotion, there’s nowhere to go but up. We don’t actually get stuck in the well of sadness or pain, we start seeing the light and finding our way out naturally. Choking things down leads to bigger blow-ups later, so you WANT to let yourself lose it in the moment.

As I am slowly turning a corner, I am starting to be grateful again. November was a better month than most and this is actually a pretty chipper end-of-month recap. I do these monthly when I’m blogging to remind myself of where I’ve been and hold myself accountable to my goals. I also do them because I really love personal blogging and personal checklists, so maybe you do too?

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Business News!

  • ICYMI: I released this Sex & Tarot E-Zine that I like a great deal. It’s over 20 pages of healing work, thoughts on sex and tarot, and spreads to empower your sex life. I’ve got some grounding exercises should you panic before or during sex, and some personal stories too. It’s just $13.99 and a great way to process your end-of-year dating feels.

  • My Patreon is off to a strong start! I do this thing community style so everyone gets the same access to my work. I release something on there weekly. This month that meant the next in my “Queering the Tarot” article series, a patron-only spread to tune directly in to your intuition, a Full Moon reading to help you zero in on your intentions for this moon cycle, and a Tip Sheet to help you assess your own relationship to tarot. In addition to this high quality, heart-all-in work, if you sign up by the end of the year you get a FREE workbook or e-zine in my shop around February! Plus I like, donate to charity and stuff.

  • Most exciting: my book has a sampler! Queering the Tarot comes out May 1st and in the meantime, you can read the first couple of sections here. Pre-ordering helps debut authors A LOT so if you wanna see me do more books, help me get there by snagging your copy ASAP!

  • I mostly read tarot at Eye of Horus this month, and I’m still there through December and beyond! Check me out if you’re in the Twin Cities!

  • It’s obviously the perfect time for a year ahead reading. These need a week plus of prep and write-up time, so if you want yours by end of year, now is the time to snag!

  • Finally, gift certificate sales are OPEN—but ONLY through 12/22! Buy your best friend a year ahead reading, your mom a short general e-mail reading, or bring your partner IN for a reading in January. E-mail snow.cassandra@gmail.com and I’ll get you all set up to give the gifts of magick and insight this year.

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Other Stuff I Did In November

  • Northern Lights Witch took a bunch of us up to her parent’s farm where I actually got to relax, sleep amongst creepy dolls (really!) and enjoy the food and company of her delightful parents and several of our close friends. Also a very cute dog and two very cute cats were there!

  • I did an escape room set in a “haunted house” for my good friend Troy’s birthday. That was election night and being trapped in a house unable to check my twitter feed incessantly was actually a huge relief!

  • I had the sweetest vegan feasting holiday with the same friends as the puzzle room, including a vegan wellington that my best friend made! It was amazing and divine.


Tarot Decks: I’m not sure why I waited so long to get a Wooden Tarot but having this animal-rich deck absent of people has been 100% delightful. The deck feels so good even when I’m just holding it in my hands.

Books: Again, not sure why I waited so long given how much I love her other work, but Alison Bechdel’s Are You My Mother hit realllly close to home in a really good, cathartic way. I also read Saga Vol. 9 and cried a lot. If you haven’t started Saga, now is as good a time as any! Finally I flew through Terry Pratchett’s Monstrous Regiment and it’s surprisingly relevant to today but in a way that is fun and relatable and won’t just remind you that you meant to spend today screaming into the abyss.

Movies & TV: Not gonna lie, all I care about from November is the She-Ra reboot.

Music: Cat Power’s Wanderer is what I have wanted and craved from her for so long. She’s back to haunting in this one. It’s wonderful. I’m also re-stuck on Brandi Carlile’s By The Way, I Forgive You album so if you need me I’ll just be over here crying about aging and life alongside it.

I really loved this piece on Armenian diaspora and writing. Here’s a cuter, lighter piece about drag queens and the children’s books they love. This piece about how white supremacy, fatphobia, and colonialism are linked has been making the rounds for very good reason. Yes and Yes ran this piece that has me a little bit shaken up about my own life and habits. To end on: a really sweet piece about home and tarot.

That’s it for me this month! Please, please feel free to share some of your favorite moments from the month in the comments or on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, especially if you have recommendations. (I love recommendations!)

Blessed be y’all!

My Pride Wish For Your Brave Heart


"Learning to read tarot cards was a transformative experience that fell into my lap when I was struggling with my sexual identity, recovering from sexual assault, and living with a roommate whose manipulations I hadn’t even begun to comprehend. Tarot provided an outside eye, fresh insight, and a look into the future I was headed towards." 

This is what I wrote for The Column on September 2nd of 2014 as I lept, like the tarot's Fool into my Queering the Tarot journey. On March 31st, 2015, Little Red Tarot picked up this ongoing series. From there my humble little posts about reading tarot for queer seekers blossomed into things I never imagined. It has been an outlet, an escape, a processing tool, an education, and a way to connect with world wide community.

It has also been picked up by Weiser/Red Wheel to be published as a book next year. That fact is a miracle that is as much a testament to manifesting and prayer as it is to anything else. Very quickly into the Queering the Tarot article series I remembered how important writing used to be to me, and in spite of the fact that I have a theatre company & tarot career I'm never giving up on I became determined to succeed as a writer too. I started doing some arts journalism at The Column. I started this blog. I started storytelling. In so many ways, I came alive again. Most notably, I got a short, shocking e-mail from my now-editor at Weiser. "Do you have any interest into turning your Queer tarot series into a book?" she asked simply.  

I cried that night, and I wasn't sure why. I shook with fear that this was fake, some kind of set up by a scammer. Once I was sure this was real, I was sure that they would get my manuscript and drop the project. I was so worried something would happen. Hell, we still have half a year to go and I'm still worried something bad will happen. But then I remember that sitting on the shore of Lake Superior during one of our seasonal getaways, I looked at my queerplatonic partner one night in late 2015 and said "I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. I really feel like this queer tarot series is going to change my life though." They vehemently agreed. Empowered by their faith in me, I made a wish under the Duluth stars for my secret book dreams to come true. 

I am telling you this story on the Monday of Pride week, because I fully believe that my dream is coming true because I sat on a lake and wished upon stars for it. (I also worked my ass off, making sure each post was better than the last and promoting the pieces like hell. Dreams alone get us nowhere, but that's a different post for a different day.) It's easy to lose hope in an ugly, ugly world like ours. It's easy to hate and to become callous and hard. So my wish this Pride week for you and your loved ones is that you take a moment to be in a place you love, with a person you love, and make a wish.

Then, I hope like hell you can wish it into being over time. If you let me know your wish, I'll light a candle and make that wish too, to honor my queerplatonic partner who sat beside me and helped me wish my dream into being. 

MY wish for YOU this Pride is the ability and the gift of wishing itself. You deserve that much, at least. Especially now.

That's A Wrap on June!

Happy July, friends!


This June we saw Litha, a summer Sabbat best used for thanks and resets. My closest friends and I did a simple spell with roses, the lake, and our deepest wishes. The lake was as wonderful as she should be and the city's reflection reminded us we were home. That is my place to reset: a large body of water, still night air, and lots of thanks to give. Before we made our wishes we thanked our dieties and spiritual energies for the gifts we already had that would enable this next phase of our lives. I am so grateful for my friends and loved ones, my own love of love, my work ethic, my careers, and my magick and gods themselves. I needed room and time for thanks as much as I needed the clarity or the energetic reset. One of my friends bought the most beautiful light purple roses to make our wishes on, and we watched them float away in the water as we breathed in hope and renewal. It was perfect for anytime, but the best Litha I think I've ever had.

So...what else was I up to this June? Uh...kind of a lot.

Tarot Stuffs!

  • As mentioned in my last end-of-month post, I have not one, but THREE classes lined up for August and September at various venues! I can officially reveal that on August 17th, I will be revamping my Queering the Tarot class at The Future, a really quirky, unique, very Minneapolis witch store and event center. You can reserve your seat here. I'm pumped. The OTHER two classes will both be...Sex & Tarot! I'm so excited to take my joyfully slutty view of the tarot and teach others to read that way. I'm premiering this one at The Smitten Kitten on August 20th (and then moving it to the Future). It's FREE at the Kitten, so definitely save the date!!!

  • I'm still at the Eye of Horus from 11:30-6 on Sundays and 3-9 on Wednesdays. I've been so happy (and busy) the past couple of months, so I'm strongly suggesting appointments if that's where you prefer to read for me.

  • If you prefer coming through just my business, that's great too! I'm reading Thurs-Sunday 1-6 P.M. And Monday 1-6 P.M. Or, and the reason I'm writing this when it's clearly visible elsewhere on my site, is that I've been working hard to promote my e-mail reading service and I've been doing some really wonderful readings that way. E-mail snow.cassandra@gmail.com if you're interested.

Things I Wrote

  • My review of the radical Urban Tarot by Robin Scott is up at Little Red Tarot. I got some great feedback from the deck creator herself and am so tickled with this deck. If you go back a little deeper on the site, you can also get some Queering the Tarot action.

  • Over at Thecolu.mn I'm still covering Queer Arts Must Sees in Minneapolis, giving a needed spotlight to worthy artists, and advancing the Queering the Tarot series.

  • Right here on my own blog I wrote another handy, easy tip for learning tarot and let my friend Abbie from Northern Lights Witch take over my Multi-Passion Diaries for the month.

Theatre Life

Photo courtesy of Jessi Hiemer/ @gluestickgeek on Instagram

Photo courtesy of Jessi Hiemer/ @gluestickgeek on Instagram

Okay, so this is where most of my life got away from me this month. In fact, it doesn't even deserve separate bullet points because it was a wild ride where Gadfly was concerned and it's all connected. First, we DID very successfully open and close our annual one-act festival. My play was HILARIOUS, and I'm so proud of everyone's work. The tech week process though? Kinda rough tbh. Our air conditioner broke, we had an actor just straight up not show up for tech rehearsals, and we were tech-ing six shows, some of them fairly artsy, with only a week to do it. You know, with no A.C. And a missing actor. Yet the festival was marvelous, all actors were accounted for during performance, and we closed on a very full, happy audience. Then...as a company, we made a tough, sudden decision. We had applied for several major grants for placemaking, and when they all failed to come through, we decided to let the lease on our art gallery run out instead of battling with another rent increase while still having a non-accessible restroom. This decision also meant a very, very fast turnaround to get out, and basically I've spent the last week cleaning an art gallery. This has been a really emotional turn and change in my life. A very good friend used to run the space, and we took over her lease. It's been queer run for six years. It's been magic this whole time. I met my current closest group of friends there. I fell in and out of love incredibly hard each way in this gallery. I created some of the best work of my life. I made some of the most important, notable connections of my personal and professional life in this gallery. It was a heartbreaking decision that we didn't take lightly. I am hopeful for these next steps. We ended on an incredibly high note. The support as we close up the gallery has been almost overwhelming. My business partner and I are more platonically in love than ever before. We will find a new space--the right space, in the right time. In the meantime? Well, season announcements are coming soon and it's going to be a breathtaking season of queer, feminist art. It's going to be one of our most rad seasons to date, and I'm antsy to reveal info soon...not immediately, but soon.


  • Radical Hope: Letters of Love and Dissent in Dangerous Times is the first book in a long time that took me a long time to finish because I wanted to ruminate and absorb it in a way that was as unique as the book is. I can not recommend it enough to activists who love good prose.

  • J. Selby's in St. Paul has some of the best vegan food I have ever had in my life. I do eat mostly vegan, but this was truly special. Half comfort food, half gourmet, all delicious.

  • Manny and I dealt with our moving day blues for the Gallery by heading to Daddy: A Queer Variety Show and Dance Night, expecting friends and fun. We got those things, but it was also one of the most affirming, queer, warm spaces we've been in in a long time. Normally one of us likes an event more than the other, but we both felt totally at home and totally enthralled. They're doing it again on Thursday, August 10th at the Icehouse. It's so good. Don't miss it if you're a Twin Cities queer!

Other Shenanigans

  • My queerplatonic partner and I reached total queerplatonic partner peak this month as we spent our weekly date night on a beach eating pizza and laughing about all the bad sex we've each had with romantic and sexual partners. After a sad day of starting the gallery exit, it was the best thing we could've done for ourselves. Whoever you love or need the most right now, grab a pizza and a beach and hunker down for the night. You'll be transformed.

  • Northern Spark, Stone Arch Festival, and in spite of my issues with it this year, Pride all provided what I needed at the time: bonding with friends I already love, some quality solo time, and connecting with people from my community I hadn't seen in awhile, in respective order.

  • My darling friend Kate who runs the 318 Cafe did a really sweet gig for charity where she sang with her husband, and then several of our friends joined in for a few songs, and eventually her youngest child took the stage and blew us away with her voice and ukulele skills. It was music and love and giggles all around.

  • Goose teenagers at the park. Goose. Teenagers. At. The. Park. I was in love. Until they all started heading towards me at once and then I was kind of scared. But still in love.

That's a wrap for me on a wild, somewhat unpredictable but ultimately beautiful month. This July I'm dog-sitting for a week, then my AMAZING sister is coming down for a week, and in the meantime I've got pieces to write, cards to read, and art to get set on dates and locations. I'm ending the month like I started it: bursting with love and gratitude.

Blessed be, y'all!

    Peace Out, April!

    Easter cookies received as a gift to help usher in a new season and era!

    Easter cookies received as a gift to help usher in a new season and era!

    A month is not inherently bad, nor does it cause pain on it's own or without provocation. In fact, April has brought me a number of highlights and joys we'll break into in a minute. But it also brought me these things:

    • A phone so broken it wouldn't even turn on and a phone company insisting on a pretty high payout to do anything about it or turn a new one on.
    • My queerplatonic partner getting extorted for money without any evidence or proof over something that happened over a year ago and getting verbally abused in the process.
    • A tax bill I wasn't quite ready for. (This one is, admittedly, on me. Lesson learned.)
    • AND A mystery illness that is forcing me to get a neck/throat ultrasound this week and sending me to specialists. I can barely eat. It's....awful.

    I spent the entire month near breakdown point in spite of friends and family helping out every time they could and things otherwise going swimmingly. Things thawed out towards the end, but I had to catch up putting together a community garage sale & one act festival, running a tarot business, and writing deadlines. It's been...a lot. Even so, I'm very proud of what I've accomplished in my career and the adventures I did squeeze in. Such as:

    • Tarot Hits: I acquired a Mystical Spiral from Lo Scarebo that is not my normal hyperqueer, feminist fare but is so delightfully absurd that I adore it. In actual tarot business life I'm working on TWO tarot e-books at the moment. It is my fondest, greatest wish to get a quick, popcorn take on Queering the Tarot out this April. I've got a bigger project that's more of a workbook on learning tarot the storytelling & art theory way that I'm slowly chipping away at. In the meantime, I LOVE the Sunday shifts I've picked up at Eye of Horus, the clients I've seen at my studio, and seeing my student pool grow so much this month. I'll have a couple of classes to announce soon which is VERY exciting. I also had the very distinct honor of being featured on one of my utmost tarot hero's blog as well.
    • Stuff I Wrote: I had a wonderful time at my steady writing gig, including this review that breaks down why casting cisgender people in transgender roles is stupid and goes into ways NOT write a trans character in the first place. I've officially queered all the wands of the tarot too. Right now the King is only available at The Column, but will be dropping into Little Red this coming month.
    • Theatre Kid Chronicles: Not a ton to report, but I'll be blogging about June one act festival a lot over the next couple of months, I'm sure. My company is running a huge community garage sale tomorrow from 8-2, so if you're in the Twin Cities, come on down to the Fox Egg Gallery!
    Rocking this theatre kid life with my biz & queerplatonic partner.

    Rocking this theatre kid life with my biz & queerplatonic partner.

    • Reading & Watching Recommendations: I think this was technically May, but there's a recent episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that seriously addresses the intersection of being black and a cop. It is so so good. I read much more than I zoned out to the TV for this month. I devoured the most recent Saga graphic novel. I also maybe cried or something over it. I dunno. I read Unholy Night, a semi-horror retelling of the three wise men tale, and it was really silly but weirdly gripping.
    • Other Adventures: MAYBE my best friend's oldest kid hid a bunch of bananas around her house and I went to help her find them, only to have my queerplatonic partner turn around and re-hide them all. Maybe. I also went to a bunch of really great live shows: a comedy show at Lush run by my friend Sarah, a flash theatre project at Patrick's Cabaret, and a modern retelling of Prometheus Bound were all super exceptional.  My favorite was a night featuring Venus DeMars and a slew of A-List Minneapolis performers raise money for The Aliveness Project called Last Call. It was beautiful from start to finish. I ended the month with my best adventure for it--checking out the new Lotus restaurant in Uptown and ending up walking around a Thai New Year's Festival where I got blessed by monks (the bracelet they gave me went right on my altar) and got to hear some great Thai music.
    Lanterns for luck at the Thai New Year Festival I ran into.

    Lanterns for luck at the Thai New Year Festival I ran into.

    That's pretty much it for my April. I had some beautiful moments, but am not sorry to be into May which has already been amazing so far. Wishing you and yours a month of laughter and brightness.

    Blessed be y'all!

    We Are All Fledglings Now

    Some of this you've already seen if you follow me on Instagram, but as I continue on my path learning the Slow Holler tarot, and as things around us seemingly dissolve into Chaos, I am pulling the Fledgling much more than I ever pull the Fool, and much more than I did when I first got the deck.

    First though, about the Slow Holler: this is a deeply spiritual tarot deck, rooted in Southern and queer identity, and I've truly relished my time getting to know it. It was collaboratively drawn and written by several different artists, and it takes me right back to my early days of tarot and witchery when there was this constant sense of spiritual power right underneath my feet. It's also deeply concerned and enlightening regarding two other things that have shaped the very core of who I am: trauma, and the fight for the collective. Grab your copy here. It's so, so worth it.

    As this card starting coming up with unusual frequency for me, my initial thoughts were as such: the Fledgling is the Slow Holler's take on the classic Fool card, but a fledgling is not the same as a fool. They are both starting journeys, but whereas the Fool's optimism comes from a sense of naivety or a childlike fearlessness, the Fledgling's cautious optimism comes because they know that while now is a time for bravery, it doesn't mean you won't fail. It simply means you will find your feet again if you do and grow from there. The Fledgling does a lot more feeling for firm ground and a lot less running towards cliffs, but they still charge ahead into the unknown. The Fool is starting a journey and the Fledgling is starting something more. We don't know what yet. The Fledgling doesn't know what yet. But as the events of this week plunge us equally into determination and uncertainty, there is no clearer metaphor for the role of an activist right now. You will flounder, and you will not be sure, and you may lose. But you will regroup, and you will get your land legs back, and you will do great things again.

    It feels like the lessons of the Fledgling were clear to me. Take chances. I am learning the lay of a new land, so be careful, but be brave. The card keeps coming up and keeps coming back to me though, and today as I pulled it even for my daily draw on my Instagram it finally hit me. The world at large is the priority right now, but it's not the only thing that exists. Our microcosms are still here, supporting us, loving us, empowering us. Yet in our daily lives, we still hold back. If there was ever a time to not though--this is it. What if instead of keeping your creative power tightly wrapped around your intellect you completely unfurled it and let it take over your current project? What if instead of finishing your routine to-do list you took two days a week to scrap it to work the big, scary projects instead? What if instead of keeping our heart so tightly in your chest you said "screw what everyone else thinks," ripped it out and let it bleed your power and love all over everyone you care about? We don't know what tomorrow's going to look like anymore--and maybe there's a lesson here in how we never really did. So why wait? Why hold back? Why sit and wonder and wish instead of doing? We are coming back from marches and meetings so on fire--use that. Use it. Use it. Use it.

    The Fledgling wants us to be an activist, an advocate, an ally, to be as queer and brazen as we have it in us to be right now, but everyone I know is doing that. I have seen an outpour of collective action that I never anticipated, people who argued with me about marches inviting me to them now, and that's amazing. That's wonderful.  The Fledgling has more to say though, because this is a new world, and everything we know is upside down. Yet, for now, at least, life still goes on. What does it mean to work and create in this new world? And my god, can you imagine what love could be in this new world? The Fledgling is screaming at us to let go, let loose, right now, and find out. Because if we let go and spread these wings we think are so small, we just might find out how close we are to flying.

    Blessed be.

    Quick--Sign Up For My Newsletter!

    Hey All!

    At the beginning of every month I send out ONE Newsletter (powered by TinyLetter, so as to assure you to it's simplicity and non-evasiveness.) That newsletter tells you where to find me that month (IE if I'm doing events, and if there are any changes in my normal Eye of Horus or personal business hours), any specials I'm running, and a FREE one-card Oracle or Tarot reading to give you some stuff to think about as you move through your month.

    SO click here, sign up now, and know that there WILL be a special on both in-person and email readings through November for subscribers AND maybe some breaks on some gift certificates too!

    Sample image of a one-card reading, featuring The Magician from the Universal Fantasy Tarot

    Sample image of a one-card reading, featuring The Magician from the Universal Fantasy Tarot

    I'm sending out my next edition over the next two days or so--don't miss your chance for those November specials but signing up is super easy, and can be done right over on my contact page anytime if you're not ready or able right now.

    Blessed be!

    P.S. My latest Queering the Tarot is out now if you want a fresh read, and my reprint is hitting Little Red in a matter of hours, so subscribe to that amazing site and community while you're at it!

    Pride Gets Witchy in Minneapolis

     Checking out Pride from the back, on a break from reading.

     Checking out Pride from the back, on a break from reading.

    Around January I realized that I wanted a witchy, weird, whimsical presence at this year's pride, and if I couldn't find one, well, then, I'd spearhead one! So I reached out to some of my favorite LGBTQ+ metaphysical practitioners, and we all chipped in on a booth and took different shifts so no one missed all of Pride or was glued to our booth the whole time.

    For those not from Minneapolis/St. Paul, our Pride is the last weekend of June and takes place in Loring Park. I have a few issues with it, including the price of a booth and how prohibitive that is to a lot of local businesses. We were really blessed to all be able to fill out a schedule and chip in accordingly, but not every queer solopreneur or genuinely allied goods maker can, so it's a little frustrating. Our booth went over pretty well though. We all met a few people who took business cards or signed up for mailing lists in addition to getting readings/buying crystals/etc. My favorite part was this fancy new sign my dear friend Kate made me! 

    It was a really wonderful weekend, and below are the kindred souls who worked on my booth and have websites. I wanted to keep that cooperative loving feel going via shout outs! If you like my tarot or writing about it these are some great people to know of and buy from.

    Intuitive Readers:
    Chuck Kausalik-Boe is a fabulous Reiki healer, and gave me a Lenormand reading a long time ago that still helps me focus my dating pool down to only the people I know will make me the happiest. While I don't know this first hand, he's also rumored to be an amazing mentor and teacher--including by some of my own students.

    Susan Lynx was actually a student of Chuck's when it comes to tarot, and I am definitely hitting her up for one of these magickal massages once I have some extra cash in my pocket.

    Heather Roan Robbins couldn't actually make the event but she's really the best of the best, astrology and palm wise. Honestly.

    Finally, of those with websites or Facebook pages, we have a blogger I really love who came in from WI to do my event. We'd never actually met but have been following for awhile and I'm so glad I finally linked up with Queer Street Tarot.

    Jane Hawkner and Sweet D show off their goods!

    Jane Hawkner and Sweet D show off their goods!

    Metaphysical Goods
    The incomparable Eye of Horus proprietor, Jane Hawkner, came by both days to sell some of her meticulously wire wrapped crystals and some bonus goods from the store. I legitimately love where I read regularly and think the products created in house are absolutely stellar in our field.

    New to the events and Etsy game but already pushing out top notch wire wraps and handmade leather goods is Sweet D. She also does a really rad candle and other such folk magick, so just reach out!

    One of my very favorite herbalists joined us on Sunday--Sassafras Healing and Arts makes one of my very favorite joint and muscle salves, and I was thrilled they had such a blast. As a side, they also chased away some gross evangelisers that were trying to convert some of our readers while I was away, so now they are extra rad in my book.

    AND FINALLY, shout out to Northern Lights Witch who's partnered with me on a few projects now--first Grand Old Days' Beer Dabbler, and the we both had a VERY successful turn at Northeast Night Market. She's gonna be in Norway for a bit but DEFINITELY keep an eye on her blog and especially the book club, which will feature yours truly later in July!

    Thanks so much to these fine people, and thanks so much to you, sweet blog readers. Until next time,

    Blessed Be,



    Queering The Tarot: IRL Workshop

    I'm so excited, y'all! On June 19th from 12-2:30 P.M. I am doing my "Queering the Tarot" workshop AND I'm doing it at my steady tarot gig, Eye of Horus. While I've done this workshop several times, I'm so pumped to be doing it in such a renowned environment that I love so much. If you're interested, here are the deets:

    "This is a beginner-to-intermediate tarot workshop about reading for LGBTQQIAP+ querents (or as an LGBTQQIAP+ person.) The workshop examines how card interpretations and applications are different for queer seekers and encourages participants to think critically about how life circumstances, spirituality, and the institutions of our society that are present in the tarot are challenged by and challenging to people who are not both straight and cisgender. The workshop is part lecture, but also requires participation and critical thought among attendees. Queering the Tarot welcomes readers at all levels, but experience or basic knowledge of the cards provides a stronger platform for challenging tarot standards. "Queer" in this class is body and sex-positive, poly-inclusive, embraces non-binary identities and thinking, and is anti-patriarchy, and as such addresses the tarot's guidance on these ideas. Allies and queer tarot lovers alike are encouraged to come learn an alternative approach to tarot. Participants should bring a tarot deck they feel comfortable with, paper and pen/pencil, and an open mind."

    Facebook event is here, and You can sign up here! Unfortunately, this class is only for people who live or can get to Minneapolis, MN. While traveling with this workshop or doing a telecast/webcast are dreams of mine, this one is in person, in Minneapolis.

    Until next time,

    Blessed be.

    Vacations, Birthdays, Theatre, and Pups!

    2016 has not started subtly or slowly for most of us; I hit the ground running and my March is not slowing down. I like to check in with you guys and myself every month just to remember where I've been and see where I'm going. This month my "what I've been up to" is pretty simple, everything is just big. SO here are the adventures February took me on:

    • Falling more in love with my steady tarot gig and steady writing gigs every day.
    • A birthday trip to Duluth chronicled here
    • I performed at Patrick's Cabaret--this put me back on stage (flying in the face of anxiety) to a very successful end. This was really hard for me, but something it really felt like time to do. I'm so grateful I did it and so excited to take on more opportunities where I'm creating outside of my company.
    • Speaking of my company, which is still my favorite thing in the world, we have an IndieGoGo campaign happening HERE and you know what? We're off to a slow start but we are raising money for a space where queer art can thrive--not only our own but other low-income LGBTQ+ or marginalized female's art as well so I know it's gonna take off as more press catches wind (we already have a great write-up here). We're also doing a spectacular 3-day celebration of queer art at Lush. Tickets are on sale now! They're the ones labeled "One Night Stands" on the 17th, 18th, and 20th, So grab 'em! AND finally, we're scheduling director interview and actor auditions now so if you're a theatre person rocking the Twin Cities, hit me up!
    • AND FINALLY, I moved in with the cute little dude pictured below. Don't worry--the queerplatonic partner and my beloved feline friends came with. We're staying here for four months so I can focus on YOU--my clients and readership, my writing overall, and of course my theatre work while saving up for other big life plans in the coming years. The dog, Parker, has two dads who are some of my favorite people on the planet and a super-cute couple--but one is stationed in LA getting some film work, and the other is on an academic sabbatical in Italy, so we get to invade their townhome and get our ducks in a row for a bit and take care of Parker for them.
    Parker the pup is pretty happy we're here, in spite of the chaos that led up to us landing here.

    Parker the pup is pretty happy we're here, in spite of the chaos that led up to us landing here.

    I pick a power word and sentence/mantra every year, and my mantra came late to me this time, but I've always known this year was meant to be guided by MOVEMENT, embodying the ideals of The Chariot tarot card, and between travel, hopping back on stage, and physically moving my home I'd say I'm definitely meeting that goal. I'm really happy with how things are going, and really excited for a March full of travel, tarot, art, and animals as well.

    And that's it! That's where I've been when I wasn't here! I'd love to hear where your tarot (or other) lives took you all this month. I also want to recommend jumping on the Little Red Tarot bandwagon if you haven't. Beth's work is incredible, and now she's pulled on some amazing collaborators to help make this site I'm so proud to have a small place at even better.

    Until then, Blessed Be!

    Mental Health as a Solopreneur

    Hello all! As someone who lives with PTSD that largely manifests as anxiety, I've fallen head over heels in love with this series, running on one of my very favorite blogs in the world. It's about rocking that solopreneur life while dealing with chronic or mental illness, and it is fabulous. Check out the articles so far here, and here!

    Oh, and my latest queering hit on thecolu.mn, so pop on over!

    Higher quality blogging coming soon, I swear!


    Queering the Tarot--So Far

    Welcome back! My eventual goal is to repost all of my Queering the Tarot series here, but I did want to go ahead and start by at least linking to them. First runs can be seen here, at thecolu.mn , and I highly encourage you to check out Little Red Tarot, one of my favorite websites in the whole world, where I am blessed enough to see my articles reprinted.

    Enjoy! Blessed be.