arts writing

Art is a Gamble: Witchcraft for Success In the Arts


Y’all, I’ve been doing a LOT of research lately. Copious amounts of research. I was absolutely convinced and absolutely sure that there was some deep, hidden magick to help us hack into success in the arts that I just couldn’t find. While I did find some useful material that I’ll be sharing in upcoming months, I also decided to share some of the tools and materials that are traditionally used for luck in gambling that I personally use to see my projects succeed.

When I was growing up, I was deeply invested in reading, writing, and for a time, performing. Everybody told me that I was talented but to be practical. That’s all I ever heard. Even the people who loved and supported me the most didn’t want to see me be disappointed if my dreams didn’t come true. Here’s something people aren’t going to like me for saying: they weren’t wrong. Succeeding in the arts takes immense talent and dedication which I had scores of. It also takes luck or nepotism, or financial privilege to invest back into your art, none of which I had even an iota of.

Poor people with no connections succeeding does happen. For every Oprah Winfrey though, there are 1,000 people who can’t even get into a TV studio. It is a gamble. Literally--at that point, it becomes about luck. Which is why the folk magick used for gambling can work to bring success to your artistic life as well. Below are some of my favorite ingredients for “gambling” spellwork that I use to help my theatre company get grants and audience and to help my writing find homes.

  • Allspice is one of my favorite money herbs to use because well, it attracts money. Plus I have a good friend who’s allergic to cinnamon so if we do workings together, Allspice is my go to. Allspice is specifically associated with luck and gambling though, making it a powerful ally for artists looking for paying opportunities or ways to fund their projects. Allspice is associated with Mars and all of it’s macho potentially toxic masculinity. That becomes useful though when we’re really willing to pour our soul into our artistic work and makes things happen. Allspice will give you stamina as well as help you attract the result you’re looking for. I usually just use the powdered or ground spice to dress my candles or in kitchen magick.

  • Chamomile is primarily used nowadays in tea, food, and baths for it’s calming scent and effect. This cute little flower has a history of being used in money and luck magick too though. Most of us who are working in the arts honestly need to heal our relationship with money at least a little bit. We grow up being told that art doesn’t make money and that we’re taking too big of a risk. Chamomile’s healing energy can help us overcome those blocks and its ability to attract can help create paying opportunities for our art.

    If you have a specific opportunity or important meeting for your artistic career, wash your hands in chamomile water a few times in a row leading up to the meeting or any application deadlines. If you’re looking for more money healing or success in a broader way, any of the aforementioned applications will work. Like any flower, chamomile can also be added to altars, gifted to deities, or crushed up to dress candles or be added to oil blends. Also it’s a flower! If you’re a green thumb type, try a small potted plant on a well-lit money or art project altar or even just blossoming somewhere cute in your home.

  • Pyrite AKA “Fool’s Gold” is traditionally meant to be used to increase psychic abilities and protect from unwanted negative energies. Because in modern witchcraft we also think anything shiny = money, it has become a symbol of wealth and luck that is used in prosperity workings and for gambler’s luck too. I like to keep a chunk of pyrite on my altar for my theatre company for two reasons. One is that art is competitive and rivals trying to bring your down, being criticized (even fairly) and even just society’s expectations of art and artists can all negatively impact our artwork and its outcome. Pyrite protects us from that while also attracting luck and money! Double win!

  • Nutmeg is all about luck and success in gambling or “games of chance” which means it’s a perfect ally for making successful art! The seeds themselves are the best for pure chance, which means you should carry them in your pocket or place them on your altar for a chance at true longshot opportunities. As an oil or an herb in food, candle magick, oils, etc. etc. it can amplify the rest of your money + art magick too and assure prosperity in your current endeavors.

  • Lodestone is not a stone I have a lot of personal experience with. I do a lot of faery work and while they can abide it, they don’t love it, so I largely avoid it since I have a plethora of other options to turn gambling luck into arts success. Because they are natural magnets though, the magickal school of thought is that lodestone can be used to draw things to you. It’s a metaphor of sorts but one that works exceedingly well for a large number of witches that I know. This stone has use in gambling magick, but is primarily known as a prosperity ingredient. Setting a nice chunk on your general money altar with the intention to ensure financial success in your art should be enough to get started.

    Lodestone loves being fed iron fillings or magnetic sand which is very cute in my opinion. That can recharge your existing spells if you set regular goals to sell your artwork, fill houses with audience members, or have steady donation flow.

  • Irish Moss is my absolute favorite money ingredient which is why we’re ending on it. This crunchy, dried seaweed is usually listed as being good for business prosperity, personal prosperity AND gambling spellwork which means if you, like me, run an arts organization or run your art career as a business it has triple the magick and benefit for you!

    Because Irish Moss is actually a seaweed it can be used in kitchen magick (if rehydrated) as well as to dress candles, go into oil blends, etc. etc. The recommended use is usually to slide the moss under your rug/carpet or hide discreetly in your studio corners to draw luck and money to your business or arts practice. While it’s not cute I also like to toss some flakes into the bottom of my wallet for personal money magick too. It looks dirty but hey, that’s business, baby.

This list is just to get you started. I listed several ingredients popular to gamblers and reset them to help you brainstorm ways to keep your art career as thriving as it is fulfilling. I would like to note that there are known ingredients that are good for gambling that I willfully left out. This is largely because I am white, and a lot of it would have been appropriative at best to include. I want to implore you as you’re working your magick to make sure it is YOUR magick and that you aren’t taking from a culture that doesn’t belong to you. There is a fine line between appreciation and appropriation. There are gads of magickal ingredients that all are able to use. Start there, and then think about your own path, history, and culture to get more specific as you go.

Also, this is a post about art and magick! Get creative and specific-to-you. Do you love card games? Stick some poker chips on your art altar. Did you have a great visit to a Casino where you snagged a cute souvenir? Win a silly prize at Bingo with your grandma one night? Those too can be charged with intent regarding your life in the arts. Magick is about intention but it’s also about metaphor and creativity...just like art. Go wild y’all.

Peace Out, April!

Easter cookies received as a gift to help usher in a new season and era!

Easter cookies received as a gift to help usher in a new season and era!

A month is not inherently bad, nor does it cause pain on it's own or without provocation. In fact, April has brought me a number of highlights and joys we'll break into in a minute. But it also brought me these things:

  • A phone so broken it wouldn't even turn on and a phone company insisting on a pretty high payout to do anything about it or turn a new one on.
  • My queerplatonic partner getting extorted for money without any evidence or proof over something that happened over a year ago and getting verbally abused in the process.
  • A tax bill I wasn't quite ready for. (This one is, admittedly, on me. Lesson learned.)
  • AND A mystery illness that is forcing me to get a neck/throat ultrasound this week and sending me to specialists. I can barely eat. It's....awful.

I spent the entire month near breakdown point in spite of friends and family helping out every time they could and things otherwise going swimmingly. Things thawed out towards the end, but I had to catch up putting together a community garage sale & one act festival, running a tarot business, and writing deadlines. It's been...a lot. Even so, I'm very proud of what I've accomplished in my career and the adventures I did squeeze in. Such as:

  • Tarot Hits: I acquired a Mystical Spiral from Lo Scarebo that is not my normal hyperqueer, feminist fare but is so delightfully absurd that I adore it. In actual tarot business life I'm working on TWO tarot e-books at the moment. It is my fondest, greatest wish to get a quick, popcorn take on Queering the Tarot out this April. I've got a bigger project that's more of a workbook on learning tarot the storytelling & art theory way that I'm slowly chipping away at. In the meantime, I LOVE the Sunday shifts I've picked up at Eye of Horus, the clients I've seen at my studio, and seeing my student pool grow so much this month. I'll have a couple of classes to announce soon which is VERY exciting. I also had the very distinct honor of being featured on one of my utmost tarot hero's blog as well.
  • Stuff I Wrote: I had a wonderful time at my steady writing gig, including this review that breaks down why casting cisgender people in transgender roles is stupid and goes into ways NOT write a trans character in the first place. I've officially queered all the wands of the tarot too. Right now the King is only available at The Column, but will be dropping into Little Red this coming month.
  • Theatre Kid Chronicles: Not a ton to report, but I'll be blogging about June one act festival a lot over the next couple of months, I'm sure. My company is running a huge community garage sale tomorrow from 8-2, so if you're in the Twin Cities, come on down to the Fox Egg Gallery!
Rocking this theatre kid life with my biz & queerplatonic partner.

Rocking this theatre kid life with my biz & queerplatonic partner.

  • Reading & Watching Recommendations: I think this was technically May, but there's a recent episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that seriously addresses the intersection of being black and a cop. It is so so good. I read much more than I zoned out to the TV for this month. I devoured the most recent Saga graphic novel. I also maybe cried or something over it. I dunno. I read Unholy Night, a semi-horror retelling of the three wise men tale, and it was really silly but weirdly gripping.
  • Other Adventures: MAYBE my best friend's oldest kid hid a bunch of bananas around her house and I went to help her find them, only to have my queerplatonic partner turn around and re-hide them all. Maybe. I also went to a bunch of really great live shows: a comedy show at Lush run by my friend Sarah, a flash theatre project at Patrick's Cabaret, and a modern retelling of Prometheus Bound were all super exceptional.  My favorite was a night featuring Venus DeMars and a slew of A-List Minneapolis performers raise money for The Aliveness Project called Last Call. It was beautiful from start to finish. I ended the month with my best adventure for it--checking out the new Lotus restaurant in Uptown and ending up walking around a Thai New Year's Festival where I got blessed by monks (the bracelet they gave me went right on my altar) and got to hear some great Thai music.
Lanterns for luck at the Thai New Year Festival I ran into.

Lanterns for luck at the Thai New Year Festival I ran into.

That's pretty much it for my April. I had some beautiful moments, but am not sorry to be into May which has already been amazing so far. Wishing you and yours a month of laughter and brightness.

Blessed be y'all!

On Lizzo, River Walks, and Gearing Up for April

The river is rushing, wildflowers are starting to bud, and my eyes won't stop watering. It must actually be full-on not-a-joke-this-time Spring! Normally autumn is MY season. Fall is when I come alive, when I feel my dieties working with me, and when I get excited about the year's transformations in my life. That's still very true—nothing like an October chill to reinvigorate me—but this Spring feels really fresh and exciting to me too. As we jump into warmer weather, here's how I spent my March when I wasn't here:

A beautiful Spring day driving past a beautiful spot in Minneapolis.

A beautiful Spring day driving past a beautiful spot in Minneapolis.


  • Tarot Stuff: As some of you reading have already discovered, I have picked up Sunday day time shifts at my beloved steady gig, The Eye of Horus! I'll be there from 11:30-6 on Sundays in addition to evenings on Wednesdays. In more mundane news, I've started using my Modern Spellcaster's deck in readings, and I've gotten into a lovely e-mail reading groove with a few of you too! You can find out more about my e-mail readings here.

  • Writing Round-Up! I did a major big kid writer thing this month—I applied to not one but TWO emerging writer's grants to finish a manuscript for a memoir about finding laughter in traumatic circumstances. There's also some Queering the Tarot action here and here, and a profile I got to capture on a poet I just adore here. I'm also working on a second e-book for y'all. This one is a little more substantial but I hope to finish up this month. You can grab my first, a mini e-book about using tarot for healing here.

  • Theatre (and beyond): Oh, you know, just performed improv and front of people for the first time, thus finishing my improv class with a bang. Plus a Drunk Queer History my company organized, a mainstage show I directed, and I dunno, something about us getting a grant for our summer one-act festival. Keep up to date by signing up for Gadfly's mailing list!

  • Life Outside of Work! (That's a thing, sort of?): I managed to have a really spectacular month in spite of having three careers, two of which required grants due and one which I produced multiple major events. Most notably, I ended the month at a Lizzo concert with three of my very best friends, brought to tears at a hip-hop show for (I think) the first time. The show has me mulling over self-love and what loving your body truly means. I adore my mind, and I'm a genuinely kind, sweet person and love that deeply about myself. I'm also incredibly fun. Yet for all of my body and fat positiviy and attraction to women and genderqueer people of ALL sizes actually loving my body the way Lizzo raps about is so hard for me. She has completely re-inspired me to take on self- love exercises to help me get there though

    • Favorite things I read: I started the month by breezing through Neil Gaiman's accessible, fun take on Norse Mythology. I got super sucked in to Murakami's weird world again with The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. I devoured Fisher's Princess Diarist and Mara Wilson's Where Am I Now in approximately a day and a half each. That's a lot, I know but it was a really good book month!

    • Favorite Things I Watched: I went to see King Lear at the Guthrie, not for research or review but just to go. This was the first time I'd gotten to do something like that in a very, very long time and the show was wonderful. The eye gouging piece of the play was SO well executed, and the rest of the show was pretty great too. Alternatively, Manny and I also binged Season 1 of Supergirl in about a week. I am completely obsessed and dying to get my hands on Season 2 even though it's still happening. I saw Get Out in the movie theater and OH. MY. GOD. Even with all the rave reviews I was surprised by how good it was, because it's that good. I don't even like scary movies but I'm raving about this one still. As just a guilty pleasure thing, I've also been watching Trial and Error on NBC. I love John Lithgow and this one is really silly and fun.

    • Other Things I Loved: Manny and I have spent several afternoons or evenings walking along the Mississippi River just chatting about ourselves, art, and the river itself. I'm so overjoyed that we're back in “hanging out near water” season and these escapes have helped my mental health so, so much. Now that it's warming up, if you're physically capable and live near a large body of water—go! What are you doing reading the internet right now?!

One more view of the river before we head out for today!

One more view of the river before we head out for today!

That's it for me and my theatreific, booktastic, Supergirl-swamped March! Please tweet or Facebook me about your own adventures!

Blessed Be, y'all!

Spring is Here--Sort of? Maybe? But March Definitely is!

While February is hands down my favorite month, I am elated every time March hits as well. My oldest younger sister was born in March, the mainstage work I do for Gadfly Theatre is usually in March, and while I like winter, the seasons changing in general tends to help me hit a reset button. Granted, this year the latter hasn't been quite the steady rise I had hoped, but everything else stands!


February was wonderful, busy and hectic, but wonderful. I'm still in the middle of putting together a mainstage show about queer homeless youth and victims of sexual abuse. It was my birthday month which took me out for Mexican food and my favorite drag show with so many of my favorite people. That Pisces energy is hitting me pretty hard though, especially in light of the New Moon and eclipse and everything else. My PTSD is having some issues, but I'm also working through some emotions positively too. I'm a lot more in touch with my sensitive Pisces soul than I have been in a long time. I don't feel the need to play tough anymore, and I'm ready for real again--real feelings, real relationships, real, deep love of all types. I find myself welling up out of joy and gratitude AND fear and sadness at least a few times a day, but I'm letting myself have and experience that even though I've been trying to shove it down for the past couple of years.

Other things I've been up too:

  • Tarot Stuff: I've got this really short but powerful mini e-book for sale. It hasn't quite gotten the attention I'd hoped for, but everyone who has snagged one has loved it--so maybe you want to be one of those people? I'm still down at Eye of Horus on Wednesdays, and come April I'll be picking up Sundays too! After letting a good friend crash with us for a few months because of some work hubbub, I have my at home tarot studio back! I also got to read for some of the absolute cutest, sweetest people this month, saw a small boom in my e-mail business, and am talking to a few potential students for my newly revamped coaching package. See my services page to grab your own slot in any of that! I also had new headshots taken! Wheee!
  • Writing Round-Up! I really love some of what I did on the blog this month--plus the aforementioned e-book. My favorites beyond that are here and here. Additionally, some Queering the Tarot goodness--the Ten of Wands and Knight of Wands on different sites showed up, as usual. I also got to highlight one of my very favorite artists and get more insight from what drives her. I also got to research, write, and explore the beginning and growth of ball culture in the U.S. for Gadfly's latest Drunk Queer History. Even though a drunk storyteller doesn't quite get word perfect, I was really pleased with how it came out.
  • Theatre (and beyond): In addition to the hinted at work above with Gadfly (see our site for more), I'm in a WTF improv class at Huge Theater right now. I was absolutely terrified and super caught up in "OH MY GODS WHAT AM I DOING?" But I wanted a foundation to improve my storytelling, the quick one-minute play style of theater I love doing so much, and even just to learn some new tricks as an instructor and director. All of that happened and is happening, but I, um, think I've been bitten by this improv bug I was warned about...
  • Life Outside of Work! (That's a thing, sort of?): Because this has been a pretty emotional month, I'm a little all over the place in terms of goals like "reading a book a week" and doing things like squad hangs, but I had a few fun adventures. My birthday party at Lush was one of the most fun nights I've had in months, and I'm so grateful for the people in my life and that Lush like, exists and does such wonderful LGBTQ+ nightlife.
    • Favorite things I readTell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica by Zora Neale Hurston has lots of rich myth and culture about the oft misaligned voodoo. It reads as easily as any of her other work too. I also devoured Octavia's Brood, a speculative fiction collection inspired by Octavia Butler, mostly writers from marginalized communities. 
    • Favorite Things I Watched: Moonlight winning the Oscar for Best Picture was SO SO important to me. And that's the part I choose to focus on. Swiss Army Man was even weirder than I anticipated. I loved it.
    • Other Things I Loved: My hair went even bolder in it's purple, blue, and teal glory this time and I loooove it. Two of my best friends are obsessed with these tiny hands and overly large hands and any time they get broken out to play it's a good time. I finally tried Glam Doll NE thanks to some birthday fun, and they have some unique to that branch flavors and this ridiculous couch (pictured below) that I'm in love with. My brother sent me this deck for my birthday. It's stunning. I also worked some pretty hardcore magick this month (hence the first photo).

I have big goals for March: one event is down, but I have And Then They Fell opening. I want to get a second e-book, this one a little more substantial up. I have a couple of new regular series that will hit. And I'm determined to make it to a few shows I'm not directly involved with, in spite of the time crunch. And I can't wait to officially add a few decks to my repertoire, mostly this week or next: the Fairy Lights, Modern Spellcaster's, and eventually the Slow Holler (right now I feel really personally connected to the deck and using it elsewhere feels weird, but I do know it well enough by now), to be specific. I'm also pretty interested in a web overhaul but not promising that within the month.

Until then, blessed be! Feel free to share your own adventures. Love y'all.

Vacations, Birthdays, Theatre, and Pups!

2016 has not started subtly or slowly for most of us; I hit the ground running and my March is not slowing down. I like to check in with you guys and myself every month just to remember where I've been and see where I'm going. This month my "what I've been up to" is pretty simple, everything is just big. SO here are the adventures February took me on:

  • Falling more in love with my steady tarot gig and steady writing gigs every day.
  • A birthday trip to Duluth chronicled here
  • I performed at Patrick's Cabaret--this put me back on stage (flying in the face of anxiety) to a very successful end. This was really hard for me, but something it really felt like time to do. I'm so grateful I did it and so excited to take on more opportunities where I'm creating outside of my company.
  • Speaking of my company, which is still my favorite thing in the world, we have an IndieGoGo campaign happening HERE and you know what? We're off to a slow start but we are raising money for a space where queer art can thrive--not only our own but other low-income LGBTQ+ or marginalized female's art as well so I know it's gonna take off as more press catches wind (we already have a great write-up here). We're also doing a spectacular 3-day celebration of queer art at Lush. Tickets are on sale now! They're the ones labeled "One Night Stands" on the 17th, 18th, and 20th, So grab 'em! AND finally, we're scheduling director interview and actor auditions now so if you're a theatre person rocking the Twin Cities, hit me up!
  • AND FINALLY, I moved in with the cute little dude pictured below. Don't worry--the queerplatonic partner and my beloved feline friends came with. We're staying here for four months so I can focus on YOU--my clients and readership, my writing overall, and of course my theatre work while saving up for other big life plans in the coming years. The dog, Parker, has two dads who are some of my favorite people on the planet and a super-cute couple--but one is stationed in LA getting some film work, and the other is on an academic sabbatical in Italy, so we get to invade their townhome and get our ducks in a row for a bit and take care of Parker for them.
Parker the pup is pretty happy we're here, in spite of the chaos that led up to us landing here.

Parker the pup is pretty happy we're here, in spite of the chaos that led up to us landing here.

I pick a power word and sentence/mantra every year, and my mantra came late to me this time, but I've always known this year was meant to be guided by MOVEMENT, embodying the ideals of The Chariot tarot card, and between travel, hopping back on stage, and physically moving my home I'd say I'm definitely meeting that goal. I'm really happy with how things are going, and really excited for a March full of travel, tarot, art, and animals as well.

And that's it! That's where I've been when I wasn't here! I'd love to hear where your tarot (or other) lives took you all this month. I also want to recommend jumping on the Little Red Tarot bandwagon if you haven't. Beth's work is incredible, and now she's pulled on some amazing collaborators to help make this site I'm so proud to have a small place at even better.

Until then, Blessed Be!