Two Tarot Spreads For Weekly Guidance and Insight!

Hello Beautiful Blog Readers!

Today I’ve got TWO Tarot Spreads for those who like to pull cards at the beginning of the week. While I do recommend daily readings, if I’m being honest I can’t always keep up with the practice. Tarot is my life, my bread and butter, and one of the things I hold dearest in the world. So if with all of that, I can’t keep up with a daily practice without fail, I certainly do not expect you to.

What I try very hard to do instead, is pull tarot cards MOST days. Again, doesn’t always pan out! What I’m pretty good at doing though is remembering to do a reading of 3+ cards every week. This helps me know what to expect in the week ahead, keeps me in regular substantial tarot practice, and shows me what action steps to take (include emotional and intellectual actions) to keep me moving forward.

Some tips for reading these spreads:

  • The spreads can also be used for monthly or annual readings, or as readings for whichever point in the Moon cycle you like to do a reading to get you through to the next point. (IE, Full or New Moon readings but maybe you like half or quarter moon readings! IDK!)

  • The way I read ANY spread is to:

    • First, step back and look at what story and information the cards are giving me together. In other words, what action or scene do you see playing out? Is there a message, a word, an image that seems to reverberate every step of the way?

    • Then I go into what each card means in each placement.

    • From there I assess my first impressions overview and the individual placements and see what also springs to mind that the cards might be saying.

    • Take notes each step of the way, and revisit it later in the week. Take additional notes at that point about what has played out exactly as expected, what has fit the reading but been surprising/not what you expected, and what doesn’t seem to fit at all.

This first spread I’ve been playing with for the past several weeks. I really love it and am probably not going to be mixing it up much now that I’m used to this one.

Beltane Tarot Spread (1).png

This weekly check-in is a simple four card spread. The placements are not overly wordy on purpose, and should be pretty self explanatory. They are:

  1. To Know - What you need to know about the week ahead.

  2. To Do - Your action steps for the week, or some highlights about which activities and goals you should prioritize.

  3. To Release - We are all always healing, and this placement shows where to focus your releasing/letting go and healing energy in the coming week.

  4. To Contemplate - Just things to think about, think through, ideas to bounce around. This could be really straightforward or super ethereal or anything in between. Not every week is meant to be spent in deep, hyperintellectual headspace. But some of them are.

This second spread is the one me and Siri have been using for our weekly e-mails for our Creating In Wyrd Times class, and one that I’ve been doing on weeks I feel drained creatively but know I need to be working on things. It’s also meant to be pretty simple. For a weekly spread you don’t want to make it too complicated. This should be a sustainable process that gives you ENOUGH to chew on to keep you charging ahead, but not so much that you choke and give up

Beltane Tarot Spread (2).png

These placements are also simple -

  1. Energy of the Week: A snapshot of the spiritual and mundane “weather” simmering around you for the week. Responsible and informed witchcraft and spiritual practice are about working WITH that weather and not trying to act against it.

  2. Creative Input to Take In: Very few of us can create long-term without taking in creative input. This sounds heady but it’s literally just the books you read, the Insta pictures you look at, the TV shows you watch, the meals that you eat slowly and relish. This placement helps you prioritize which of your artistic, creative and entertainment options are going to serve your creative self best this week so that you move them to the front of the line.

  3. A Creative Spark: This can be looked at as a prompt, but is largely a card meant to unlock your creativity and help you come up with ideas for starting, working steadily on or finishing creative projects for the week ahead.

This spread is unique because in addition to my overall steps for reading spreads, we add two “placements” to this that come from looking at the cards as a whole as opposed to pulling more cards. They are:

  1. What to do with this info: This is basically just a refining of all the big messages likely to show up. If the energy of the week is this + if you are inspired the most by this + if this is your idea for creating, then what? Use your own critical thinking to figure that out.

  2. Some creative prompts! Let your imagination run a little wild. Look at your cards and messages and see what actual prompts you can design for yourself based off of them.

With that, go forth and read tarot!

Blessed Be Y’all,

Cassandra Snow