DIY Queering Your Tarot: A Patreon Teaser

This is a sample from a much longer and more in-depth post on my Patreon. Patreon supports all the free content I put on this blog & on my social media and allows me to offer sliding scale for my Tarot for Today classes. To unlock this whole post and SO much more exclusive content + support my ability to teach and write about tarot for a living, sign up right here.

DIY Queering Your Tarot

The questions I get asked the most is about how I arrived at the interpretations and discussions I write about in Queering the Tarot and the answer is that it was a deeply personal process. It is a process I've been meaning to share for a long time though. This process will dig deep into your understanding of your own queerness as well as the tarot and it's one students get a lot out of! This means when you go through the process as I've outlined it before, it's likely going to bring you to a different tarot understanding than mine and that's great! That's actually what we want - because my answer to the question "What IS queering" is that queering is the act of deconstructing something down to it's bones and then rebuilding it in our own beautifully queer image.

To start Queering Your Tarot, think about yourself and your life. What are some pitstops on the queer journey of your life that you'd like to note in the tarot? To get that information, think about life experiences you've had, learned from and grown as a result of that can serve as a metaphor from pretty much anything else you've got going on in your life. For example, my journey to the Midwest in a Honda hatchback with my favorite person encompasses so many literal pieces of my life as well as a rich set of metaphors about what I was leaving versus what I found. Another landmark that I'm starting to work with in tarot is going into vaginismus treatment. To start kneading that into my work, I asked myself what was explicitly queer about my refusal to get treatment and what is explicitly queer about getting treatment. I find tarot cards and messages that speak to that, which also hold deeper meaning in my life at large. So before we go any further, think about a few of those times in your life, or pull some tarot cards and "assign" major milestones to them that also call on your sacred queerness. 

Next, you want to think about your queer identities and how those impact your experiences AND how that queerness is impacted by your experiences. What identities do you resonate with from within the queer umbrella? What about historically - have you identified as something in the past that doesn't quite feel right now? Where do you see that reflected in your tarot cards?

Again, that Patreon link is right here and will unlock so much more information about tarot and witchcraft + some upcoming Pride month posts on those same subjects.

Blessed Be Y’all,
