Questions to Help Maximize Your Tarot Reading + My Patreon is Live!


Hello Tarot Lovers, Witches, and Other Beautiful People,

One thing that happens a lot is that someone will sit down at my tarot table and say they have no specific questions. Most readers (myself included) can totally do a completely free range reading and prod you along to help you suss out the most pertinent information.

However, most of us as humans absolutely have questions we want answered when we sit down for a reading, but because they aren’t specifically geared at “love”, “money”, or “spirituality” have trouble putting them into words. To maximize your reading you should know what you’re looking for and be able to state your needs. I’ve listed some examples below to get you thinking for next time you really feel like you need to turn to the cards but aren’t sure what to ask.

  • Am I on the right track? If I am, how can I maximize this time on the right track to ensure I get where I’m supposed to? If I’m not, what can I do to course correct?

  • Things feel really good right now, but I want to know if there are any big changes or shifts coming around the bend, and what the best way to handle them is.

  • Things do NOT feel really good right now and I don’t even know where to start. What is the core piece making everything go awry? What are the steps I can take to heal my heart and fix my life right now?

  • How can I communicate my needs and desires better to my partner/friends/boss/God?

  • I feel like my life and soul purpose are not aligned right now. Is that true? If so, is that okay or is there some work I should do to realign them? If not, how should I reframe my thinking and spiritual work so I feel in alignment?

  • What’s next for me? What should my focus be in upcoming months, and what action steps should I be taking?

This is in no way a comprehensive of list of non-vague but still really open questions to ask the cards, but please do refer to it to as often as you need to either use directly or help your brainstorm. Any reader worth their salt wants to give you beautiful, accurate, and empowering information. These line of questioning will absolutely set you up right.

By the way! My Patreon is Live now!


To support this blog, my #dailytarot series on Instagram, and my low cost, sliding scale options I’ve started a Patreon OVERFLOWING with benefits you can have full access too no matter what level you support at. If I make enough money, I’m also going to update my sound recording equipment, snag some video equipment, and from there you’ll also see a Podcast, online classes, and maybe even some other video and audio content. (WHO KNOWS? Once I have the right materials I could just go wild!)

In addition to all the work I’m doing that the Patreon supports, Patrons will also get:

  • exclusive writing (including picking up where Little Red Tarot left off for monthly Queering the Tarot articles)

  • a monthly reading that corresponds with the Full Moon, a Sabbat, or another important landmark date within that month

  • a tarot worksheet or tip sheet a month

  • discounts to everything in my tarot shop.

PLUS holy wowza, if you sign up before 12/31 at 11:59 PM Central Time in the U.S., in February you’ll get a workbook or e-zine of your choice out of my shop. I’ll have at least one, if not two new ones by then to choose from too.

That link is here, and whether you support or not, please feel free to signal boost by posting about the Patreon and tagging me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

In the meantime:
Blessed Be Y’all,

Cassandra Snow