One of my favorite cards from my favorite deck.
My darling friend J Ryan from Queer Street Tarot gifted me a "Mystical Tarot" last week; this is a deck that is mass produced through Lo Scarebo/Llewellyn but it really stuck out to me in spite of not being overtly queer or feminist as a deck. The deck LOOKS like a classical art deck, but a more careful peek shows a lot of quirk and absurdity and I fell in love, so I was so grateful for the gift. That night, before I'd practice with my roommate, I did something I always do before I spread out my cards and play. "What are you doing?" Manny asked.
"Finding the most important card" I responded with the subtext of "Duh." They were understandably confused, so I thought I'd elaborate here since this is not as common a practice as I thought. Little Red Tarot and all of us who write over there, as well as countless other, usually do a deck interview when we have time to sit down with the deck to truly get to know it. However, I do something WAY before that stage when I am either trying out a new deck to see I want to own it or figuring out how a gift and I fit together. I simply shuffle the cards, ask the deck what the "most important" card in this deck is, and pull. To me this is the card that tells me what this deck's highest function is--what it wants to be used for, how it communicated, and how I as a reader can work with it best. The Slow Holler (pictured above) told me it was a deck best used to help me communicate my visions for all of the things I am so fired up and passionate about. The Slow Holler is indeed a deck of healing, but it's also one of inspiration and fire starting. Creating change in all I do, this is my favorite deck because it helps me plot that so perfectly. In the case of the Mystical Tarot I drew The Star--a card of rest, renewal, but yes, deep faith in myself and my Divine and the world around me so chock full of resources and life. This is a deck that will both deepen my relationship with myself and the Divine, but will also help me find practical resources when need be whether I'm planning an art project, a business venture, or a revolution. Try it with your favorite deck, and see what you come up with. I usually will pull fresh every few months for the decks I use most often, and when I pick up one I've been neglecting I pull one to start too. In the meantime, here's a whole lot of links!
Tarot and Witchcraft
- A lovely glamour based on who you are from the Witch of Lupine Hollow.
- Alexis has some great observations on mistakes every tarot reader makes.
- Siobhan (of Siobhan's Mirror) and Asali (of Asali Earthwork) have a great conversation that I've even re-read a couple of times here.
- I love the Tarot in Art series and was excited to learn about a work and painter I hadn't yet. Catch up on the whole thing by following links through if you haven't.
- Mary K. Greer has a very fun murder mystery based on the tarot happening over at her blog!
- Do you follow local (Minneapolis) Astrology Whiz Heather Roan Robbins yet? You definitely should; she's a rock star at what she does, and her Starcode series is beyond helpful.
- Haiti, Vodou and the Racism inherent when we talk about either.
- A shrine to slutty queerness over on Little Red!!! I'm so happy about this whole thing.
- I don't even want to tell you anything about this Hood Witch post about Becoming the Earth because you need to just go experience it for yourself.
Queerness, Feminism, and Anti-Racism
- A really important, beautifully written essay on being a WOC who's also adventurous and outdoorsy. I can't do it justice--read here.
- Think you can be body positive without being feminist? NOPE.
- Autostraddle covers a really lovely, sweet photo project of queers at home that also goes pretty deep into what home even means for us.
- Also from Autostraddle: 5 Tips for a Great Activist Meeting.
- Stuff Only Women Writers Hear (with input from fab black women writers too).
- I am mad at United Airlines. But I'm mostly mad at America.
- Ojibwe History from Colonization to Present. A headier read, but definitely necessary and incredibly well-done.
- Oof, I relate to this piece so hard. Family, don't read this one. I'm serious. (Title: "How My Dad's Dirty Magazines Shaped My Queer Sexuality")
- From Cosmopolitan actually, this piece on how yes, even in 2017 it is still terrifying to do basic things like hold a partner's hand is so, so important. Related, Unicorn Booty unveils the reality of how many are uncomfortable with LGBTQ+ Americans, and TBH now I'm permanently uncomfortable.
- The Joy of Being Unlikeable is something I not only wish to every radical fighting the fight that I know, but a really smart, properly emotional blog post!
- So it turns out that women are better leaders than men. I'm
For Artists and Theatre Kids
- Something I struggle with regularly--making a life in the arts manageable financially. This piece does NOT sugar coat or mince words.
- A really good roundup of things we just shouldn't do in the arts anymore.
- A Transgender Theatre Revolution in Chicago!
On Writing
- If you love Dear Prudence, you will REALLY love this interview with Mallory Ortberg.
- Jia Tolentino vents about the gig economy and honestly I applauded when I finished.
- Life Advice from Adrienne Rich makes me swoony. So does anything Adrienne Rich.
- Sara Benincasa's Letter to a Worried Writer resurfaced recently and it's SO good.
- Kai Cheng Thom's book is a complete delight, and so is this interview over at Bitch
Just Because
- Some great tips for Impact Play in your boudoir (or wherever you like to do such things).
- The U.S. used to send prominent jazz musicians like Louis Armstrong fight communism!
- Wanna give your friend (or yourself) a hilarious yet artsy yet affordable gift? These Badly Drawn Authors are truly outstanding.
- So, the Tyranosaurus Rex was apparently a very kind lover. Who knew?
- ICYMI: Every Story About Trump Supporters from the Washington Post made the rounds a while back but is legit laugh-out-loud funny and spot on.
- True crime story about the kidnapping case Lolita was based.
- Decision-making fatigue is very real, especially where food decisions are concerned. A PCOS website I follow has more info here.
- Another "oldie but goodie": an Aidy Bryant interview where she just keeps stealing my heart.
- Well, it's come to this: a how-to for realistic Doomsday Prep.
- I just really love Christy Carlson Romano y'all and here she's all...talking queer and stuff, and my heart---aaahhh.
AND I watched all of Supergirl during a two day arthritis flare-up that left me barely able to make it to the bathroom from my couch. AND I followed that up by binging (for no good reason) Wynonna Earp while I was at it. Regardless of your taste for gun slinging badasses with cute, hella smart, femme sisters (I mean, I don't know why you're not into that if you aren't but you do you) but this song is wonderful. I've been listening non-stop ever since.