tarot spreads

A Beltane/May Day/Midsommar Tarot Spread!

Hello blog readers!

Today I’ve got a simple three card tarot spread for you all about celebration as May 1st and it’s myraid of celebration options sneaks up on us. It’ll be here before you know it, and this spread should help you figure out how to celebrate & why as well as what inner work needs to happen over the following Sabbat/Spring season.


Most of the May 1st celebrations celebrate Spring's arrival and all of the sensual joy, pleasure and whimsy that can come from that. I am a pleasure activist and absolutely recommend taking the day for such purposes but I'm also a realist and I know how difficult that is even with vaccines coming as COVID numbers and strains rise, as some of us battle social anxiety instead of excitement, and in this necessary uprising for Black lives. Yet we live in a society that wants to disconnect us from our pleasure, who wants us to pay literal money for it in order to access it, and who will shame us every step of the way so we owe it to ourselves and even our communities to take back some joy and pleasure on our terms, in our time. 

This spread and reading is designed to help you tap into that. We sometimes think of pleasure as this big thing that has to take all day, take so much of our energy but it doesn't have to be. It can be ten minutes to feel the sun or rain on our skin, five minutes to laugh at some memes, four seconds to truly connect to the taste of our coffee as we drink it in. It can feel like pressure to enjoy things - but it doesn't have to. As such, this spread is further designed to help you maximize the little joys to buoy you and empower you for all of the major & important work you're doing by living your life the way you are living it. 

The placements are pretty straightforward but for people who have difficulty reading image based text, I'll outline them here:

1- What to celebrate! Plain and simple. This is what you can celebrate right now without any further work or thinking on the matter. 

2- What's blocking your potential for joy? We KNOW it's probably the world around us, but how we internalize that or how it manifests or shows up is very different for us. While I do have a collective reading here for us in a moment, I think this spread in this space & time IS really important to work through on your own.

3- A step to increase pleasure & joy right now. Again, pretty straightforward but this differs from the first card because it is an action step you can take to increase your pleasure and joy moving forward - not something already ready to be celebrated. 

That’s what I got y’all! If you want to see this spread in action I do have a community/collective reading from it up on my patreon which is right here. I also made some very cool announcements today such as a monthly drawing for a Zoom reading I’m starting in May for all supporters chipping in $10 or more a month. I also have Patreon only availability which I also announced details on! Again that is right here.

If you’re more of a class type, Siri Plouff of Northern Lights Witch & I are doing an EIGHT WEEK class on tapping into your creativity via the tarot & May’s Tarot for Today class is purchasable. Those are right here on the class registration page.

Blessed Be Y’all!

Cassandra Snow