A Slasher Film Tarot Spread by Yours Truly!

Hello wonderful Blog Readers!

Today I’m sharing a tarot spread I wrote based on my deep love of slasher films. It’s a love so deep that I am sharing this with you in April since I wasn’t blogging back in October when I wrote it. I do use slasher film language like “kills” and “cuts” here, so if this is triggering to you please feel free to skip this one! I will share plenty of spreads here so you’re not going to miss out. Take care of yourself babes!

With that clear, let’s move on to the spread! As mentioned, I created this spread back in October when I was rewatching all of my beloved Halloween movies. This is a spread to be used for those times when things just aren't working. You're either self-sabotaging in your personal life or your writing is coming out the way you wanted or you are trying to connect with energies that aren't reaching back out to you or whatever! It is a simple five card spread to figure out what is going on and what your first steps towards fixing it should be. It also has some subtext about figuring out longer term solutions. Graphic is right meow and below is deeper description in case anything confuses you. 

The Slasher_ What is killing you.png

You can lay these cards out in whatever order makes sense to you, as long as the center is first. It just doesn't make sense otherwise. However, my suggested order is this:

1- The Slasher AKA The Thing That's Killing You

This placement shows what's bugging you, why the thing isn't working & anything else in that vein. This is USUALLY a bad habit or cycle you know you perpetuate but didn't realize was in play but it can obviously be anything. “Anything” includes new habits or patterns, one-time-only thorns in your side and everything in between. 

2- The Opening Scene Celeb AKA The Thing To Cut/Kill First

This is your first step towards solving the problem. While deeper work is likely needed, this is something tangible you can do to make youreself realize that you're still in control of the situation. Taking this action is also likely to make everything work better immediately so you can get the clarity you need around the situation you asked about. 

3- The Weapon AKA How the Thing Is Killing You

Whatever comes up in that first card, this is the manifestation of it in play. This is also often an easier, in the moment solution but remember - if you take away a movie slasher's weapon, they simply find another one. That first card really deserves working through even if cards 2&3 help you out in the moment. 

4- The Score AKA What Is Setting the Tone Here

Even if we are falling back into a bad pattern or habit, self-sabotaging, or whatever, there are environmental factors allowing them to crop up. This gives you a peek of the big picture and how you fit into it. What you do from there is up to you, but it's a necessary glimpse a lot of the time. 

5- The Final Girl AKA The Part Of You To Retain

When we realize we're falling on bad cycles yet again, it's easy to want to burn down everything about ourselves and rebuild. The Final Girl placement reminds you that you are great the way you are. It does this by showing you a piece of yourself that is perfect the way it is and that you can lean on & hold on to in trying times. 

Hope you enjoy this quirky little spread I made. It’s one of my own creations that I use the very most for everything from writer’s block to overanalyzing friendships. Absolutely thrilled to put it on my blog proper with a real graphic instead of just in an endless Insta story.

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